Our Reviews

“I encourage everyone over the age of 13 to find time to visit The Lisa Project. I especially encourage anyone who is a mandated reporter to attend this exhibit, as well as any concerned family, friend or community member… because abuse and neglect is a cycle that will repeat without intervention and support.” Pat Cheadle ~ Director, Human Services Agency – Kern County


“The Lisa Project provides the critical element of community education regarding abuse and its affect on children. The impact of the program is immediate and powerful. This innovative program exposes the community to the dark world of abuse in a way that educates and moves participants to make informed choices. I … can say, without hesitation, it is compelling and exceedingly valuable to communities.” Suzanne Schultz ~ Family Crimes Coordinator, San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office


“The Lisa Project is the first of it kind that offers the general public a glimpse at the life of an abused child, from all socio-economic levels. “There is no doubt that The Lisa Project has raised our community’s awareness of child abuse and in many instances resulting in a child receiving protection from the court… it has made a significant impact.” The Honorable Jose L. Alva ~ Juvenile Dependency Judge, Superior Court, San Joaquin County


“It’s a public health concern for us [abuse and neglect]. We know those children don’t do as well in school…they’re more likely to drop out of high school and more likely to have behavioral problems…this is an opportunity for us to make change happen in the here and now.” Cheryl Lennon-Armas ~ Executive Director, Tulare County Youth Services Bureau


“As a survivor of child abuse, I want to thank you for the Lisa Project. My earliest childhood memory is hiding behind my dad’s recliner huddled in a corner with my sisters calling the police to come help us. We never got the help we needed, we stopped calling. What a unique and exceptional way to show the truth behind child abuse. Kudos… I truly believe lives can be saved.” Heather (visitor to the exhibit), Sacramento, CA